
New Year Declutter

house Josh at Omni Removals Jan 1, 2024

New Year, new you, new... Home?

Entering the new year is the time where many of us make a New Year's Resolution or two - whether it's to start exercising more, quit smoking or vaping, eath healthier, lose some weight or in my case, stop believing that Chelsea will win the Premier League again any time soon!

Anyway... But what about your home?

How about you make 2024 the year that you have a good ole' clear out and sort out the stuff in your house? At Omni Removals, with our Man And A Van Service, we can help you remove some of the old furniture or other clutter you have and dispose of it for you so you don't have to worry about doing it yourself. Heck, we can even pack it up for you if you don't want to do that bit either!

Get in touch today if you'd like to know more!