Moving Out Of Your Parents House
It doesn't matter who you are, what you do or what your aspirations are in life... At some point, evry person has to become independant and part ways with their parents. Moving out of your parents' home for the first time could be something you have anxiously waited for since the thought first entered your brain, or it could be something you have put off until the very last moment it had to be done. But, the time will come where you will have to face this exciting yet scary challenge - and you need to be prepared for it! Being a UK Removal company, we are familiar with this exact type of situation and we have came up with a guide full of survival tips to help get you begin this next stage of your life...
Set A Date
Everything associated with moving is stressful and complicated - From hiring help to packing up all of your belongings, there are a lot of challenges you'll have to face. Since this is tooo much work - possbily more than you hae had for a long time - the thought of putting it off can be incredibly tempting. Since you know that proscratination is one of the worst habits somebody can have, we suggest you set a moving date with a company of your choice and stick to it. Our advice is to set a date that is 1 month away at least, as this will give you plenty of time to prepare your belongings for their relocation - which involves buying packing materials and educating yourself on the best way of using them.
Find Some Help
You may be moving to a university that is on the other side of the country, or you could be moving to a home that is just a 2 minute drive from your parents' - it doesn't matter. This is because even if your move is a local one, you would still need to do everything that you would do for a long distance move too - the only difference is the driving distance. So, when moving out of your parents' house it is imporotant to get the appropriate help. If you don't want to hire a removal company or don't have the funds, our advice would be to ask your friends and see whether they would be able to help you. Just make sure you give them enough notice, allowing them to make sure that their schedules are clear.
Save Your Money
If you are moving out and starting an independant life, it only makes sense that your mum and dad will no longer be the ones financially supporting you. By the way, incase you didn't know, life can be incredibly expensive. Not only will you have to make rent or mortgage papyments, papy your utility bills and do the weekly Tesco shop, but you'll also want to do things for yourself such as go out with friends to the pub, go to the cinema and see the latest Marvel film or go shopping for some clothes. You will need funds to get things going in the right direction after your move. This rings true no matter where you live or where you're moving to - the United Kingdom, the United States, anywhere in Europe or even further afield to Asia, Australia etc. The further the place you are relocating to, typically the more money you will need.
Therefore, once it becomes apparent that at some point in the short to medium-term future you'll be moving out, it's time to start saving. Our advice is to not go out every night for a steak with your friends if possible. Instead, cook at home. Don't go out buying clothes every week if you can't afford it but instead do it once a month as a pay day treat for example. These changes you'll make will be worth it and you'll be surpised at how much money you could save.
Look Up Job Opportunities
Unless you're fortunate enough to already have a job, it is never to start looking for one - you'll always need one! Even if you are in your final year at a University close to your home, you should still not leave everything until after you graduate. After your graduation, it would be helpful to have had a secure job position locked in - or at least be interviewing and have a rough idea of where you'll end up, the job market etc. If you plan on moving out of your parents' home, you will need a reliable stream of income every month, starting from that very first month and onwards. Even if you were smart enough to save a considerable amount of money before moving out, you will burn through it much quicker than you may think. From paying for your removal, to paying the deposit on your house or flat and furnishing it and beyond, your money will not last forever.
Realise You'll Still Need Your Parents
Okay, we get it. We know the entire goal is to move out and become independant and that's good - but there is one staple fact you'll need to realise. You will always be your parents' baby. You will always need them in some capacity. Unless you're extremely fortunate or lucky to be walking into a six figure salary out of the gate, you will have to climb the corporate ladder and you will need some help on the way - and what better help to have than from those who raised you? Accept your parents' help whenever it's given to you - whether it's simple support with the chores such as washing your clothes or emotional support in a stressful time. Our advice is to accept this help and work towards being in a position where you can pay some of it back. Life is all about giving and receiving -so make sure you are not only at one end of this spectrum!
Remember To Celebrate
Congratulations! You finally did it! You finally flew the nest and gained the independance you had dreamed of. Now you can leave the notion of moving out of your parents' home and start focussing on the present and the future, your goals, your hopes and dreams and so on. The road ahead is an exciting one - buckle up!
If you're after tips on how to settle into your new home quickly and easily, you're in the right place. Check out our dedicated blog post on the matter.
For the best way to streamline your personal belongings, we recommend going here!