
Moving House With Your Pets

house Josh at Omni Removals Jul 4, 2024

Not only is moving stressful for you, it is equally as stressful or maybe even more stressful for your beloved pets.

The days leading up to your move can be quite unsettling for your furry (or scaly or aquatic) friends - especially with boxes of your things all over the place, usual routines being changed and the general confusion that moving can cause. Everything that your pets have became used to has, or is going to change - no wonder they can become unsettled!

So, what can you do to help alleviate some of this stress?

Like with all other aspects of your house move, planning what to do will pay the most dividends. This also applies to your pets! Planning what to do with them prior to your removal date will make things a lot easier for you and your beloved companions.

One option is to put your dog into kennels or your cat into a cattery for the duration of your move. However we know that this is not appropriate for every pet or pocket. Alternatively, you could ask a friend or family member to look after them for a few days. If this is also not possible, our advice is as follows:

Don't forget to spend time with your pets in the days leading up to your move. Try to keep everything as normal and as routine as possible - and don't be tempted to use moving house as an excuse to get rid of any of their creature comforts such as their baskets, bedding and food or water bowls.

During the moving process, our advice would be to shut your pet in a room full of their familiar items - toys, a treat their bed and their water bowl too. Not only will this keep your pet as safe as possible during the move, you'll also have the peace of mind of knowing where they are when ready to leave or unpacking etc. Check on them regularly to ensure they are alright and to reassure them that you're still there. Always be sure to remind your removal crew of which room your pet is in.

Remember, pets cannot travel in the removal van - even the cab. If applicable you may need to purchase a special pet carrier for use in your car. Please do not be tempted to let small cats, dogs or other animals travel loosely in the car with you. Not only can this be a distractioon for you, but they could also escape when you get out or if there is an emergency. Don't forget to factor in comfort breaks for animals like cats and dogs while on your jourmey from your old house to your new one - and take food, water and bowls for them too!

When it comes to our aquatic friends, fish should not be transported in their tank but instead in strong polythene bags with a sufficient air pocket. Contact your local pets supplies shop for special boxes to place thse in.

Smaller animals such as guinea pigs and hamsters can be moved in their usual cages - if they can fit in the car. Remember to ensure that they are fully closed and sealed so that they can't escape and also take care and prevent them from being exposoed to extreme temperature changes such as leaving them in a car on a hot day.

Once you've arrived at your new home, again shut them in a room with all their familiar stuff. This will allow you to focus on directing the removal crew and also prevents them from escaping the house or getting in the way and putting themselves at risk. Please be mindful about the fact that it isn't always possbile for our removal crew to shut the door behind them.

Once the removal crew have left, feel free to let your pet back out in to the rest of the house or put them in their designated area. Before letting them run around in the garden (if appplicable) make sure that there aren't any gaps in the fence that they could escape through. Cats especially are very sensitive to changes in their surroundings and you may need to keep them inside for a couple of weeks while they adjust to their new home.

One thing that is especially important is to update the microchip details of your pet, any insurance policies etc. Make sure to have new tags made for your pet's collars and inform your vet of your new address too.

If you are moving abroad and taking your pets with you, we do recommend you seek more particular professional advice and assistance.