
Moving At Short Notice

house Josh at Omni Removals Jan 29, 2024

Moving at short notice can be incredibly difficult and incredibly stressful. You don't really have time to prepare, plan and pack everything properly. You need to find a high quality removal company that can help you relocate quickly and properly, too - but you don't have the time for that! In that case, the most important thing you can do is stay calm. You need a good plan - quickly, too. Here at Omni Removals we have put together a list of tips and tricks that will help you relocate the right way - even when time is at the essence.

Don't Panic

Easier said than done, we know. Depending on the circumstances of your move, you may start to panic - and that is the worst thing you can do. You need to stay calm and take a good look at the situation you find yourself in. It is not worth getting stressed about something you cannot change. So, where are we at? Your main objective is to relocate at short notice. You need to be careful not to make mistakes. The first thing you should do is plan your move and find a removal / moving company, or some help from friends, family or neighbours if a removal company is not a viable option. Moving house with a professional removal company by your side can be done quickly - but you also need to act quickly and find a highly-rated company that can help.

Plan Properly

Due to moving at such short notice, you probably didn't have a plan in place - and that is okay. But current circumstances mean that you need to start thinking of a good plan quite quickly. There will be many things on your moving checklist that need ticking off. You'll need to find a removal company, packing materials and possibly a new place to live. You'll also need to find a way to pack quickly and effectively. So the first thing to do when taking a look at your moving plan is to budget accordingly. Moving house isn't cheap. High quality packing materials alone can be dear - so get calculating!

Make A List

Once you've sorted out your budget, it's time to get a list made of all of the possessions in your home that you'll be moving. It truly is one of the best things you can do to help make your move / removal run smoother. Our advice is to go room by room, and write down everything that needs to be packed - remember to be as thorough as time allows, as it means you'll be less likely to forget any important possessions. This will also come in handy if you utilise a packing service, as it will help those packing up do a quicker job.

Find A Removal Company

Since you're moving at short notice, you'll be needing some help. An expert removal company can help you relocate quickly, but they come at a cost. So if this is the avenue you're looking to go down, make sure you can afford it.

You do have to be careful when choosing a removal company, though. Cowboy tradesmen and scammers can prey on those in a hurry! In order to save time, your belongings and your sanity, pick a reputable removal company. You cannot afford to have your time wasted by shoddy removal "experts" who in actual fact or in a race to the bottom of the barrell.

Packing Up and Packing Materials

The best scenario you could hope for is choosing a removal company that will provide all the packing materials that you will need. If your budget allows for it, you could also hire packing services too - it might be worth asking your chosen removal company if this is a service they offer, as nowawdays most removal companies include this but not all. The benefit of making use of such packing services is that it both saves you time and you lower the risk of ending up with broken or forgotten items.

If you do decide to do the packing yourself, you need to try and get the right packing materials sorted quickly. In more normal and relaxed circumstances, most start the packing process weeks before they actually move, giving them peace of mind and saving themselves from being less stressed and such. Take a look at your list of possessions amd figure out how many boxes you'll need, how much bubblewrap you'll need etc. It's better to have too much than too little.

Efficiency is key when moving. Even more so at such short notice. If you and your whole family are moving, make sure that everyone contributes to the packing up process and that it isn't left to one person. If the children are capable, have them pack up their rooms while you and your partner focus on the kitchen, living room and your own bedroom. Although you're in a hurry, do not neglect anything or cut corners where possible. You need to make sure everything is protected so it doesn't get lost or broken in transit. Making use of towels, blankets and newspaper are cheap, useful items to use to help protect your stuff. Don't forget to label evrything either, it'll make unpacking so much easier!

It's Moving Time

You'll need to have everything ready for when your chosen removal company arrive. Make sure the driveway and access to the property is clear. One little tidbit of advice is to let your neighbours know that you're moving, this way they won't accidentally block an access route with their car, for instance. All that's left now is to let the removal company do their thing. You might be worried that due to leaving it short notice, they won't be prepared - but they are professionals, they will be! They have dealt with all sort of removal / moving situations and will do their utmost to get you out of your old place and into your new place quickly and safely. One way to thank our removal team if you'd like to do so is prepare a cup of tea!