
How To Stay Calm On Moving Day

house Josh at Omni Removals Jul 25, 2024

Moving house is arguably one of the most stressful times of our lives. Using a reliable and professional removal company can help take a lot of the stress off of your shoulders, however we understand that not everyone will use a removal company on the big day. So with that in mind, we have curated a list of tips on how to stay calm on moving day.

Remember, it is completely normal and totally okay to feel apprehensive and anxious about moving house.

Deep Breaths

The oldest trick in the book - and arguably one of the most effective. Take a deep breathy and slowly exhale to help relax your body and your mind. This can help to lower your heart rate and blood pressure and bring those stress levels down!


A good night's sleep and being properly rested helps with both your mental and physical performance. Don't leave any prepping and packing until the last minute to the point where you're staying up late... It isn't worth it. Start packing as early as you can and only leave out those last minute esssentials to pack on moving day.

Have A Plan

Have a plan for the whole moving process but especially for moving day itself. Sticking to your plan will help to reduce any lingering stress and anxiety as it hleps to give you a clear idea of exactly what needs to be done. Breaking down big jobs into smaller tasks can help make them more manageable. One key piece of advice we would give you is to focus on one task at a time.

Take A Break

Whether this is while you're packing up your belongings or on the actual moving day itself, do not put off taking a break when needed. Sit in the garden, check your socials or explore your new surroundings. A walk in the fresh air, listening to music can help restore your energy levels ready for the next task!

Eat and Drink

On moving day, do not be tempted to skip breakfast to try and save some time or ease any nerves. Keeping your energy levels up during the day is key to getting jobs completed. Staying hydrated is vital - and so is making sure that you pack the kettle last! Ensure that you put some snacks into your box of essentials to keep you going during the day and don't forget to make a packed lunch or plan to have a midday meal!

Ask For Help

Whether it's just with the packing in the run up to your move, looking after pets and the kids on moving day or just to have somebody to talk to. Never be embarrassed to ask friends or family to lend a helping hand.

Focus On The Positives

If things start to get on top of you, remember to focus on why you're moving - such as the joy your new house is going to bring you and your family, the more space you will have or your new surroundings! Remember, you've got this!